Being Autistic provides a perspective that is as insightful as it is distinct, offering insights and strengths that enrich the fabric of human society. When it comes to friendships, we can form connections that are deep, empathetic, and authentic, unfolding a narrative of friendship that is as diverse and beautiful as autistic people themselves.
The Autistic Teacher
Many autistic people have a raw, unexplainable connection with other neurodivergent individuals. I can’t begin to describe to you the depth that this can be felt. I can feel deeply connected to people I don’t know very well with an instant connection and understanding. There’s just something about meeting other neurodivergent people. Many autistic people discover that their friendship groups are actually made up of other neurokin, diagnosed and undiagnosed!
Many autistic people are very accepting of individuality and less judgmental about other’s differences. We tend to gravitate towards those on the sidelines rather than those conforming to societal norms. We have an appreciation of the authenticity of others. Some of this might also be that we can relate to feelings of loneliness and being different and can relate to those in minority groups.
Many autistic people are very empathetic and can build relationships with a deep level of understanding. This can develop a strong relationship if there are other aspects of the friendship, but if not, it can bring with it a certain level of vulnerability… many autistic people just want to help others but it’s possible that we can also be taken advantage of… or burn out trying to help.
Shared interest
Sharing our special interest can give us so much joy! If there is someone who is interested in what we have to say then we can talk for hours! It’s another way of saying that you care about someone… sharing your information with them. Friendships based on special interests can struggle if that interest changes but new friendships might develop with a new shared interest.
Social Interaction
There is the stereotypical view that autistic people don’t want to, or struggle to interact socially. But it’s different for all of us. Many neurodivergent people are very social! Some of us prefer less interaction but have a few close friendships that don’t rely on regular contact. Neurodivergent friendships and relationships might look different but it doesn’t mean we can’t interact socially. It just means that we do things differently to neurotypical people.
This might be why many neurodivergent people find friendships with other neurodivergent people easier. As we weave a tapestry of connections that celebrates the unique perspectives and strengths of every individual, we nurture a world where genuine connections thrive across diverse perceptions. Autistic experiences and the connections that bind us together serve as a testament to the beauty of autism and friendships.
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